An American poet, editor, and small press publisher, Alan Casline was born in Fort Johnson, New York in 1951 and attended St. Lawrence University and SUNY-Albany. As an undergraduate at St. Lawrence University he was poetry editor of Laurentian (1973). Beginning in 1975 in Canton, New York, he edited and published Rootdrinker, a long standing magazine of watershed poetics, art, and non-fiction. An early bio-regionalist, his seminal and often reprinted essay “Farm as Ecology”(1977) contributed to the cultural and literary growth of bioregional and watershed groups through-out North America. He has published several volumes of poetry, including Birdsfoot(1985),Some Late Thursday Night Poems(2007), Grandfather Carp(2009) and Thirty Poems (2009). His poetry has appeared in numerous other magazines, anthologies and in varied forms electronically and in print.
His Benevolent Bird Press has published collections of poetry by other writers. In addition to Rootdrinker he has edited and published NORMANSKILL(2007) a watershed anthology and the creative folklore anthology The Annals of Perious Frink(2007)