Saturday, March 9, 2013



I have been researching on Tom Tryniski's since I  learned of its existence. a few days ago. Here are some articles I put together for our Family History

                                                                        Amsterdam Evening Recorder January 28, 1966
The Youth Fellowship of
Grace Methodist Church visited
the computer offices of Mohasco
Industries in Amsterdam on
Wednesday. " Clarence Mosher,
YF counselor, discussed the
workings of the IBM machines
and the computer and each of
the group was given the opportunity to work an IBM machine
and make a tab card.
Attending were Emily Hatch,
Mark Snyder, Elizabeth Krahmer, Janice Overrocker, Roger
Snyder, Robert Lindsay, Susan
Krahmer, Allan Casline, Lorilee
Rinehimer, Debra Hopkins, Fred
Overrocker Jr.. Rick Coates, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Mosher, and
the Rev. Clarence Winchell

I remember this visit. Computers that took up whole rooms and data punch cards. Georgianna Casline did punch card  work for a short period of time after Supermarket Check-Out and before she returned to Montgomery County Trust Company as a teller. I think this might have been the same company as the one she worked for.

                                                                         Amsterdam Evening Recorder October 16, 1926
Mrs. Fred Overrocker.
Pearl Cole, wife of Fred Overrocker, died at her home on Ireland Avenue, Fort Johnson, at 7:30 o'clock
Friday evening of a complication of diseases. Although Mrs. Overrocker
had been in poor health for about a year the decline did not become
serious until two months ago. She was a member of the Grace M. E.
church of Fort Johnson, being a regular attendant at the church services when her health permitted, and
was active in church circles. She was a loving wife and mother and
a kind and thoughtful neighbor, and her death will be mourned by a large
circle of friends. Surviving are her husband, two children, Fred and
Georgianna: her father, Albert Cole, of Fort Johnson: two brothers, Willard and Charles Cole, and four sisters, Mrs. Leo Winkel and Mrs. Thomas Meznak of this city and  Mrs.Edward Jashaway and Miss Mary Cole of Fort Johnson.

Here are the names of Pearl Cole’s family. Would be my great uncles and aunts. Wonder what happened to them?

                                                                          Amsterdam Evening Recorder May 14, 1914

Shower for Miss Overrocker.,
The Misses Mamie and Sadie Overrocker gave a variety shower Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. R. Waldvogel at Fort Johnson, in honor of
their sister, Miss Hazel Overrocker, whose marriage to Eber Yell will take
place ln the near future. The house was prettily decorated, the color
scheme being pink and green. Pink carnations were profusely used. The
evening was pleasantly spent with games and music. At midnight a bountiful repast was enjoyed. A mock marriage was celebrated in which Miss Martha Slottka acted as bride and  Mrs. Lee Burnham as bridegroom, and
Miss Amelia Martin performed the ceremony. Miss Overrocker received many beautiful presents including cut
glass, silver, china, linen and other useful articles. Those present were
the Misses Mary. Sadie and Hazel Overrocker, Elizabeth and Jessie McLaren. Eva Yell. Helen Waldvogel.
Mary Whalen. Martha Sjottka. Amelia Martin and Marlon Stangle; Mrs. R. Waldvogel, Mrs David Whalen,Jr., Mrs J. Yell, Mrs Fred Yell, Mrs Fred Sager. Mrs. Bernard Quinn. Mrs. A. Fields. MrB. William Stearns. Jr.. Mrs.
Leonard Gardinier. Mrs. John Schmoll and Masters Harold Gardinier and Richard Waldvogel.

Here are names of Grandpa (to me) Overrocker’s sisters.

AKIN.                                                                                                         June 1, 1908 Amsterdam Evening Recorder
Silver Medal W. C. T. U. Contest
Marshall's Store Again Visited by Burglars.

June 1.—Oscar Greene left last week for Schuylerville,where he has opened
a meat and fish market
Albert Lingenfelter of West Albany was a visitor at this place last Wednesday.
James E. Marshall's store was broken open last Tuesday evening, but
nothing of any account was taken. This is the second time within a few
months that burglars have entered this place of business. The first time
they secured $75 in cash. A silver medal speaking contest will
be held in Grace M. E. church parlor Tuesday evening. June 2d. under the
auspices of the Ys, a branch of the W. C. T. U. The following young ladies
will participate: Addle Greene, Zehra Gage, Lizzie Foltz, Ethel Jones
Hazel Overrocker, Ethel Benton. Ethel Parr and Edith McDougall. Admission
15 cents. After the contest Ice cream and cake will be served for 10 cents

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rivenburg passed Saturday and Sunday with
friends at Johnstown.

Landlord Devenpeck of the Groat Hotel is making many improvements
to his already well equipped hostelry. Several rooms have been added for
summer boarders, also wash and bathrooms, as well as summer garden,
which is unique in effect, and with the many other improvements Akin
can boast of a first-class place for pleasure seekers.

Fred Overrocker, one of the Akin baseball team, had a sad mishap while
sliding for a base at Tribes Hill last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Marshall passed Sunday with Mrs. Marshall’s
parents at Palatine.

Mrs. Arthur Lepper is Ill. Dr.Conant of Amsterdam is the attending  physician.  

Floyd Casler, who had his hand caught in the cards at S. Sanford & Sons
Mill at Amsterdam, last Wednesdayis getting along nicely at St. Mary's hospital.

This caught my eye because of the mention of Fred Overrocker and his “sad mishap” but sparse details. I tried to find a photo of the Groat Hotel without any luck. I did find articles that showed the name is right and it did exist as did Mr. Devenpeck. Nice name dude!

CLAIMS AGAINST THE STATE.                                           Utica Herald-Dispatch Thursday 12, 1903
Fred Overrocker of Yorkville Wants
$445 for Damages to Land.
(Special to the HERALD-DISPATCH.)
Albany  Nov. 12.—A claim of  $445
Was filed today against the State by
Fred Overrocker of Yorkville, Oneida
County, for damages to land caused by
canal overflow.
                                    H. W. S.

ANNOYED SALVATIONISTS                     The Utica Observer, July 24, (1895?)

A Case in Yorkville That Resulted in Fines for Two

Several member of the Salvation Army have been stationed, at Yorkville
for some weeks and the meeting's held by them have caused more or less attention.
Some of the people in that village think the meetings do more harm then
good, as they furnish an excuse for toughs and gay young .people to touch
elbows. Be that as It may, It has no bearing on the incident to be told at
present. Fred Overrocker has been appointed one of the Deputy Sheriffs
to preserve order at the meetings, his authority extends to there only, but he is
a fully accredited officer at the place where the meetings are held. Sunday
evening he ejected John Evans from the meeting, because Evans was creating a
disturbance. Last evening young Evans and his father, Evan Evans, caught
Overrocker down town and proceeded to give him a whipping. They knocked out
one of his teeth and. otherwise bruised him before a stop was put to the trouble.
This morning the twain were arraigned before Justice of the Peace Ackroyd,
who imposed a fine of  $5 on each.

These two articles are interesting in that they show Fred Overrocker owning property and living for a number of years in Yorkville, New York (near Utica). It is right near New York Mills which was a textile manufacturing city at the time.Fred Overrocker worked in the textile mills in Amsterdam, New York later so maybe that is why he was living in Yorkville. Maybe we are related to the Overrocker’s from the Utica area that appear when you research the name.

Casliner—Overrocker                                              Evening Recorder, Amsterdam, N.Y.  August 13, 1947\

In a double ring ceremony at St. Mary's rectory Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Miss Georgiana Overrocker, daughter of Frederick Overrocker, Fort Johnson, was married to Louis Casline, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Casline, 26 Garfield" Place. The Rev. Frank J Gilchrist officiated. The bride wore a brown satin dress with brown accessories and carried a colonial bouquet. Her attendants-Miss June Gage, Fort Johnson, was dressed in blue with
brown accessories and also carried a colonial bouquet. Following a reception at the home of the bridegroom's parents, the couple left on a motor trip to Cape Cod. The bride wore a blue dress with white accessories for
traveling. Mrs. Casline was graduated from the Wilbur H. Lynch High School and Amsterdam School of
Commerce and is employed by the Montgomery County Trust Company. Mr. Casline, also a graduate of the Wilbur H. Lynch High School, is with the General Electric Company in Schenectady

My Mom’s Wedding in a brown satin dress.

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